Our website uses an algorithm that we created to determine the best bazaar flips at the moment. The website refreshes the calculations every 60 seconds so you can be confident that the recommendations you see are taking into consideration current market conditions.
- Profit
- Buy and sell volumes
- Your ability to both buy and sell quickly
- Bazaar taxes AND the current mayor's perks
- Buy Price: The current buy price for the item
- Sell Price: The current sell price for the item
- Profit per Unit: Buy Price minus Sell Price including the current taxes. (Taxes are assumed to be the standard 1.25%, unless Derpy is mayor, in which case they jump to 5%. You can lower your personal tax rate at the community shop.)
- Profit per 64: The profit you can expect if you buy and sell a stack (with taxes deducted).
- Profit per 1024: The profit you can expect if you buy and sell 1,024 (with taxes deducted).
- Profit per 5000: The profit you can expect if you buy and sell 5,000 (with taxes deducted).
- Sell vs Buy Volume: This is a ratio that shows the sell volume divided by the buy volume. The closer the ratio is to 1, the more balanced the demand for the item is. A ratio below 1 means that there are more people purchasing the item than selling it, so getting the item might be hard, but selling it should be easier. A ratio higher than 1 means that there are more people selling the item than purchasing it, so you might be able to easily get the item, but the competition to sell the item could be fierce.
- Avg Sell Volume per Hour: The number of items that usually sell per hour.
- Avg Buy Volume per Hour: The number of items that are usually purchased per hour.